Saturday, September 27, 2008
Another factor which makes the situation worse for those who have problems about their sex organs is that the issue has been a part already of some jokes. This fact is visible even in television shows and in movies as well making men more worried about the size of their manhood.
One of the most popular ways of counteracting the small organ size syndrome is by taking in male enhancement pills. Many enhancement pills have been developed throughout the years. These pills are tested by some numbers of men and are proven to deliver positive results. The changes will not happen at once, this is the main reason why men are advised to take the pills for some weeks or months to attain the desired size. Men who are using the products feel gratification with the outcome as they can see dramatic changes in their performance while taking the pills. As the saying goes, miracles do not happen in a matter of seconds. That is where the amount of patience the person has really matters.
If you are one of those who are scared to be ripped off of your money fake sellers, there are lots who offer free male enhancement pills. You can easily find some companies by searching through the internet. These companies will give you free samples of the product as per request. Availing yourself of free male enhancement pills will help you in taking further decisions later on, on whether you would be interested in purchasing it or not.
Most of these manhood enhancements are not only effective in enlarging the penis size after a few weeks. It can also help in prolonging the erection. Even just by using the free male enhancement pills man can already feel the amount of their manhood's power is increased. Taking in the free male enhancement pills as prescribed will promote a stronger "thing" and a higher performance in bed. Testimonies about these pills are widely spread for you to read on. You can also find more advices in some forums to where you can possibly get some free male enhancement pills.
As many of the male enlargement preparations contain aphrodisiac properties, too men who are seeking for sexual enhancers can benefit the stimulant properties as well. The stimulant properties of aphrodisiacs are known to improve libido.
There are some who are even scared to try the free pills. They are thinking of the negative side effects that they might get from trying them. It is not anymore an issue these days as most pills have safe and natural ingredients to avoid causing the customers discomforts from using them.
So, if you are one of those having issues with your manhood size, it is now the perfect time for you to try some free male enhancement pills.
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Natural Male Enhancement
The good thing is that there are different products that help men address these problems effectively and safely. These products are medically-approved and had undergone clinical tests and trials. They even gained endorsement from several health professionals. There is absolutely nothing to worry about with regards to how they work in your body. Make a choice from several products and make sure to get hold of the one that suits your lifestyle and personal preferences best.
These breakthrough products that addresses your questions on how to make your penis grow faster come in different forms, each one has a unique mechanism that helps enlarge your penis. By learning about each type, you can gain an idea on which one passes your preferences and objectives in terms of sexual enhancement.
Male enhancement products come in the form of pills, skin patches, traction force systems, erection oils and many others. Depending on which one you will most likely be comfortable with, you can choose from this variety of products. You can always choose to be discrete in how to make your penis grow faster. Remember that size and performance matter and they work together towards achieving sexual satisfaction and fulfillment.
Pills are taken orally as directed and they deliver optimum results which you will definitely experience during your sexual activity like harder, longer erections and more powerful orgasms. Patches are stuck to your skin just like a typical skin patch. They transfer their potent ingredients through the skin, transdermally. Simply stick the patch along your abdomen or thigh area and forget about it. You will achieve rock-hard erections every time and a larger penis size after several weeks to months of continuous use.
Traction systems are devices that are worn to achieve a longer and larger penis. Just like the pills and patches, these penis enlargement devices had also gained medical endorsement and are clinically proven safe and effective. These traction systems apply longitudinal force along the penis making it grow longer. The result after several months of use is a permanently longer penis.
Satisfy your partner and boost your confidence in bed with male enhancement products that really work. So if you have anxieties in your sex life and you are thinking of ways on how to make your penis grow faster, you have just come to the right place.
Visit our site for the Best Male Enhancement Reviews. Where consumers have rated their #1 male enhancement products.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Increase Your Sexual Stamina: part 2
Increase Your Sexual Stamina
premature ejaculation What is premature ejaculation anyways? Premature ejaculation is the unwelcome occurrence of the male orgasm before the woman is ready. There is no real time limit. For some couples, the male orgasm will be considered premature if it happens in less than 20 minutes after initiating sexual intercourse. On the other hand, if the man ejaculates in 1 minute, it may be okay if the woman had time to reach her peak as well.
sexual techniques What can I do to elongate my sex drive? The most sought out method is to imagine something totally different during the act. For example, think of your weekend baseball game or the old lady next door. This technique might delay the male orgasm slightly, but it can also really affect its intensity. Some men have also seen this technique lead to impotence.A more practical way of lasting longer in bed is to use better and thicker protection. Next time you are faced with an intimate situation, suit up a thicker condom to reduce the sensation at the tip of your penis. Heavier coated condoms will both reduce the risk of catching sexually transmitted diseases and the sensitivity of the male organ. These condoms are usually used for anal penetration because of their durability and sturdiness.
desensitizing creams Yet another way to de-sensitize your penis head is to use special creams. The role these creams have is to freeze up the tip of your penis and allow you to perform for longer periods of time. These creams can be found in both nationwide sex shops and online. The negative aspect of this technique is how to subtly merge the cream into the sexual situation. The problem might not arise if you have been with a partner for a long time, but when you are having sex for the first time, it might be touchy. Therefore, this technique is recommended for men in established relationships
Last Longer & Control Your Climax:part 2
finishing the raceLet's face it; men were not designed to outlast women in bed, so we need all the help we can get. Today's society views sex as a social act between two individuals. It's no longer a matter of surrendering to our primal instincts; our partners expect an element of effort and sharing, so cheating a little is understandable. Using techniques or a sexual health product like Deferol, is as natural as the desire to last longer in bed and prolong shared sexual pleasure.
Last Longer & Control Your Climax: part 1
This feature was brought to you in part by Deferol.Premature ejaculation affects one third of all men around the world. When it comes to sex, men are natural sprinters; we start off with a bang (pardon the pun) and quickly fizzle out in the end. Granted, most guys do their best to stretch out their performance in bed as long as possible in order to please their loved ones, but many simply cannot last long enough to satisfy women's needs.Men experiencing premature ejaculation are by no means selfish; it is a reality, but it can often be controlled. There are products, tricks and methods to prolong the sexual experience.First let us look at why men experience premature ejaculation.
how ejaculation worksMen naturally climax faster than women do; it is nature's way of ensuring the survival of the species. Ejaculation occurs when the muscles on the floor of a man's pelvis constrict, releasing the sperm. Studies show that these muscles tighten earlier in men who experience premature ejaculation.An original theory held that some men have more sensitive skin on the penis, hence giving them a more intense sexual sensation and a tendency to climax faster. A lot of men, on the other hand, are capable of going the distance. The fact that some men are fully capable of marathon sex, coupled with the observation that certain medications can delay male ejaculation, leads sexual medicine experts to believe it is a combination of concentration and perhaps a better functioning serotonin system.
preventing premature ejaculationTiming & AwarenessExperts agree that timing and reading the body's signals are good ways to achieve longer lasting sex. Men have a tendency to let their instincts turn them into carnal zombies during sex, going from point A to Z without transition or thinking. Knowing when ejaculation is about to occur is vital to longer lasting sex. The old saying "think about something else" is a fallacy. Once you miss that peak, the game is over.Men should not try to think about baseball, Janet Reno, or other unrelated things during sex; they should do the exact opposite by concentrating on every single feeling and signal the body is sending out during intercourse. Each man should recognize the feeling right before ejaculation. Once the feeling is identified, many tricks are available.
to be continue...
Tips For Curing Premature Ejaculation: Part 2
BreatheMany people are not aware of it, but proper breathing can help develop ejaculatory control. This is because taking a few deep breaths can help you relax and calm the arousal and tension that leads to premature ejaculation. Practice deep, easy, relaxed breathing and relax your entire body.Communication is another key to long-lasting sex. Let your partner know when you are getting close and what you can and cannot handle. This will involve the use of actual words, since nonverbal cues are easily misunderstood. "Stop," "Hold it," "Start," and "More," are obvious choices and anything else that's short and clear is acceptable.Other causes of premature ejaculation are anxiety, fear or discomfort with your partner. Premature ejaculation is less likely to occur if the couple knows each other well, feels comfortable with one another, and if both partners are consenting, in a comfortable, relaxed and private setting, and after contraception issues have been discussed.Many men can also last longer the second time around, so perhaps this can be incorporated into your lovemaking. If round one is short, please her with some extended foreplay using your mouth, or with an erotic massage during half-time until your soldier is ready for battle once again.
Use creamsDesensitizing creams lessen the sensations felt by men during intercourse so that they can last longer. The problem that many men feel is that these creams make intercourse less pleasurable due to the decreased stimulation.Condoms reduce the amount of stimulation experienced during sex. Many men find that a condom makes them last longer because of the decreased stimulation. As you all know, condoms provide the best protection against STDs and pregnancy, so they have added benefits.The position of lovemaking may also affect a man's ability to last in bed. The missionary position is not the best position while attempting to control ejaculation. All men, however, are different and some men find it harder to hold themselves when their partner is in control.Experiment and vary the positions according to what allows you to control yourself better.
Perform KegelsFinally, strong, well-developed pelvic muscles will allow you better control and make you more aware of what is happening in your nether regions. Pelvic floor muscles are the ones used to stop and start urination. Hold the muscles for three seconds, relax for three seconds, and repeat 10 times.You can do this at anytime and in any place. Eventually, you should be able to work your way up to 100 10-second contractions per day.
make it lastPremature ejaculation can be easily countered with patience, effort and knowledge. Informing yourself is the first step, and once you know about the problem, you are halfway there. Overcoming the mental and physical aspects of this problems are also much easier if both partners are involved, aware of the situation and open to discuss it.
Tips For Curing Premature Ejaculation.Part 1
premature ejaculationAlthough premature ejaculation is the most common sexual dysfunction, it is very difficult for men to discuss. A man who can't get it up or keep it up, understandably feels like less of a man. However, it should not be this way. If more men were willing to talk about their problem, it would be easier to accept, knowing that they are not alone.Often, men are not sure what is considered premature ejaculation. The average male takes less than three minutes from the time of insertion till he ejaculates. According to the technical definition, it is ejaculation that occurs prior to when a man wishes, or too quickly during intercourse to satisfy the partner. This usually leads to the loss of a usable erection for the simple reason that their discharge has temporarily released a state of elevated sexual tension.The complaint is usually stated in terms of time because it is the only way to measure and compare. The issue, however, is really about control of the ejaculatory process and releasing when you feel ready. Men are usually more upset about the lack influence over when they ejaculate.One man might feel proud to last 10 minutes, while this may be too short for another. Like the saying goes: One man's trash is another man's treasure .
fixing the problemFrom the point of view of reproduction, early release is not a major problem. Lasting longer in bed serves no known genetic function. It is something that we must learn to do, as opposed to it being innate. First, one must understand what is happening to his body when he ejaculates. Orgasm consists of two stages. The first begins with the prostate gland, which encircles the urethra like a tiny donut above the base of the penis. This contracts and releases its fluids, along with the contents of the seminal vesicle, into the urethra.The second phase occurs when the pelvic muscle contracts strongly around the bulb, forcing the fluid out under considerable pressure. Men should be aware that it is possible to ejaculate without having an orgasm and vice versa.
Get helpThe good news is that this is a problem that is highly curable, providing the man is willing to get help and invest the time and effort needed. It is believed that 80% to 90% of men are able to learn better control through therapy.The first step to lasting longer is to become familiar with one's self. Be comfortable with your body, its sensations and the feelings leading up to orgasm. You should learn and be able to predict when the orgasm will occur. This will prevent it from creeping up on you and taking you by surprise. This will also help you do what is necessary to prevent you from reaching that "point of no return."
to be continue.....
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The cause of premature ejaculation
The cause of premature ejaculation is considered psychological, although no one really knows.
Primary premature ejaculation
In primary premature ejaculation, in which the male has never experienced sexual relations without also experiencing premature ejaculation, a deep-seated emotional disturbance (see History) may be present and the causes may be multiple.
Sometimes, the behavior is a conditioned response resulting from teen masturbation practices (see Introduction), but, sometimes, the patient has deep anxiety about sex that relates to one or more traumatic experiences encountered during development. Examples may include family incest, sexual assault, conflict with one or both parents, or other serious disturbances.
In most cases, a primary care physician or a urologist should consult with a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other professional in cases of primary premature ejaculation.
Secondary premature ejaculation
With regard to secondary premature ejaculation, some type of performance anxiety is often a major factor.
Performance pressure (ie, fear of failure to satisfy the partner) can arise from various precipitating events. ED is a common precipitating event. If the male is afraid his erection will not last, because of either actual instances of previous ED or imagined failure of his erection, this may precipitate premature ejaculation. The patient may have used the phrase, "Honey, you excited me so much I just could not hold back," which might be a way for him to avoid admitting to the humiliation of being unable to keep his erection throughout intercourse. If he climaxes quickly, he then has an excuse to justify his inability to maintain his erection.
However, a careful history (see History) is needed because the situation may be complex.
Perhaps ED is not a part of the problem.
Possibly, his partner has belittled him with comments such as "You must not be much of a man, since you cannot stay hard until I am satisfied." In addition, she actually may have difficulty achieving climax through intercourse and may require direct clitoral stimulation to reach a climax. If she does not communicate this to him (and she may conceal it because of feelings about her own inadequacy), then he will always fail to provide coital satisfaction for her.
Because most physicians are not trained sex therapists, sorting out conflicts in the relationship and then referring couples for counseling to professionals with experience and training in that area is important. If a physician has some training or experience in the treatment of premature ejaculation and is comfortable managing the problem, then the physician may choose to begin treatment (eg, counseling, medication, both). If the patient does not respond favorably or if the physician is not comfortable with the treatment of premature ejaculation, then referral to a sex therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist is the next step.
Absolute Answers to Erection Dysfunction
About 90 percent of men with erectile dysfunction don't talk to a doctor about the problem, so they can't be treated effectively.
What is erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is a "persistent inability to attain and/or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual activity." The occasional temporary erectile failure due to tiredness, stress or excessive alcohol consumption is not the same thing.
Erectile dysfunction is a long-term, recurrent medical problem needing proper diagnosis and treatment. Dispelling the following myths about erectile dysfunction (the more precise term for impotence) will help men and their partners to understand the condition and open channels of communications between them and medical professionals
Erectile Dysfunction Myths
Erectile dysfunction (ED) means loss of interest in sex, lack of vigour or sterility right?
No. In most cases, affected men retain desire and the ability to have an orgasm and ejaculate. Erectile dysfunction means a difficulty with erections, not a loss of interest in sex, sterility, or a lack of strength, vigour or power.
Difficulty with erections is not that common and doesn't happen to "real" men right?
Sorry, wrong again. Erectile dysfunction is common with estimates of more than 100 million men worldwide suffering the condition to some degree.
Erectile dysfunction is a natural part of growing old isn't it?
It doesn't have to be. Although there is a higher incidence of erectile dysfunction among older men because of age-related conditions, including vascular disease, diabetes and medications for these conditions. Although it mainly affects older men, it also occurs in younger males. Erectile dysfunction should not be considered a natural or acceptable part of getting older.
Most cases of erectile dysfunction are due to a psychological problem with the guy right?
You're way off. Seventy to ninety percent of men suffering from erectile dysfunction have an underlying physical cause for their impotence, although psychological factors may also play a role. Erectile dysfunction is a medical condition often caused by other health problems, including diabetes, cardiovascular conditions and trauma. The physical risk factors for erectile dysfunction fall into five main groups: Vascular disorders - circulatory problems that interfere with blood supply to the penis including hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), diabetes, high blood pressure and abnormally raised blood cholesterol.
Lifestyle factors - smoking, which exacerbates vascular problems such as high blood pressure, alcohol and drug abuse. Neurological disorders including multiple sclerosis and trauma resulting in pelvic or spinal cord injury. Surgery (e.g. for prostate disease) and radiation therapy. Some drugs prescribed to treat high blood pressure, depression, heart disease, gastric ulcers and cancer. Overall, diabetes is the single most common condition linked with erectile dysfunction and it is estimated that nearly half of men with diabetes have some degree of erectile dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction doesn't really affect your health and you should learn to live with it and be a man about it.
Erectile dysfunction is a significant source of emotional stress, and can lead to poor self-image, loss of self-confidence and depression. Unfortunately, embarrassment and unwillingness to discuss sexual matters openly mean erectile dysfunction often remains undiagnosed and untreated. It is important to seek medical advice and appropriate treatment.
The diagnosis of erectile dysfunction involves embarrassing and invasive testing.
The diagnosis of erectile dysfunction involves techniques such as taking a medical and sexual history, asking about smoking, alcohol and medications. Only a standard physical examination is usually needed, including taking your blood pressure. Laboratory tests on blood and urine will help identify any underlying medical cause that may need treatment.
There's no point in seeking treatment because erectile dysfunction is not easily treated
In the majority of cases, erectile dysfunction can be successfully treated. It is therefore important for patients to seek advice from their doctor, for the good of themselves, their partners and their relationships.